About Us...

Our Mission
While we have the opportunity to be involved with many different types of ministries, our focus will always be to uplift and support the community through prayer. This mission represents a two-part focus. First of all, we are trying to find ministry opportunities that will help bring the Christian community together by connecting individuals and groups. Secondly, we try to use prayer as the basis for each ministry, believing that it is the most effective tool we have to help build a stronger Church. Our ministry also operates under the beliefs that we must strive to build stronger relationships and that our focus must always be on Christ rather than the people or the ministry itself.

Unity in the Body
The Bible clearly tells us that as Christians, we are part of one family and should seek to uplift and support each other. This is important not only because we have a responsibility to our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also because each Christian is an important part of the Body and has a role in our ministry to the world (I Cor 12:12-27.) Unfortunately, denominational and geographic boundaries often serve to separate us from each other. Not only do we lose the spiritual support we can provide to each other but our ministries are also diminished. This lack of unity also contributes to our failure to provide emotional and spiritual support to all those in our community who need it. Our ministry is to help provide the means for better unity within the Christian community and using that to better serve our region, especially providing spiritual support to each Christian who is lacking it.

Building Relationships
Beginning with prayer, we hope to facilitate the building of strong relationships, particularly between individuals. We are instructed to become so close to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ that we share in their pain and their joy (I Cor 12:26, Heb 13:3, II Cor 1:4-7.) Even a gesture as small as praying for an individual on a daily basis means a lot to someone who is lacking spiritual support. For this reason we try to encourage people to be willing to build a relationship, even if it is only by prayer. Most of those who we reach out to say that they would prefer to have someone keep them in the thoughts and prayers even if they cannot be visited rather than be visited but forgotten. By making a commitment to growing close to others spiritually, we have a greater opportunity to grow spiritually as well as uplift those around us.

Serving Christ
While we are called to love and want to serve others, we are first called to love and glorify God with all we do (Mark 12:29-30.) Whenever we serve others, our focus should be on serving Christ first. Just as Christ came down to this earth to suffer with us, we should also strive to suffer with and bring comfort to those around us, always doing so as a sacrifice to Christ. If our main focus is on the people or the action, we will constantly have to deal with failure or disappointment as our ministry falls short of the expectations of ourselves or others. However, if we put our focus on serving Christ, our ministries will never fail or be unappreciated.

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